
For Individuals, Families, Community-Groups, Employers, Health Plans, and Organizations




At Beehive Birth Consulting, we recognize and deeply appreciate the profound significance of the preconceptio period. That is why we …
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$75.00 per hour


Breastfeeding is a natural and beautiful facet of the postpartum period, but it often comes with a unique set of challenges that can leave …
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$75.00 per hour

+ Mental Health

Here at The Beehive we use the secrets of honeybees for building and sustaining a thriving mental health community. These highly …
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$75.00 per hour

Find Your Sweet Spot

Before you contact us, we are requesting this for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have a medical problem, please make an appointment with a medical professional or your health care provider. RaShaunda is the owner and operator of Beehive Birth Consulting and she is a Licensed Holistic Family Planning Coach. She uses a unique system that is focused on providing holistic contraceptive care to the childbearing community. Her program offers a transformational experience for individuals in various stages of their reproductive journey to improve their fertility awareness through the Standard Days Method (SDM). RaShaunda uses this method to embody the essence of Bio-Cultural Anthropology, Behavioral Health, and Reproductive Well-being through a term she has coined called “Reproductive Consciousness.” She acknowledges that this is the most critical time in reproductive history and that the well-being of women, teens, and girls is vital to our future human ecosystem. RaShaunda’s step-by-step Holistic Family Planning is a strategic TEK-based solution to help you Find Your Sweet Spot by investing in individual or group coaching sessions.

Get Your “SWEET SPOT” Toolkit: (contains an initial consultation, SWEET Spot one sheet, your choice of Standard CycleBeads, our DIY Birth Control Journal, (1) follow-up session, and a link to download our upcoming monthly podcast “The Trillion Dollar Sweet Spot” right to your phone.) This offer is for individuals who want to learn how to keep track their monthly ovulation cycles and become more connected to their SWEET Spot for overall reproductive well-being, plan for pregnancy, or protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy, and much more.

As a part of our SWEET Spot initiative, we will provide you with a foundational consultation and your personal set of Standard CycleBeads, which is mailed directly to your home (shipping costs included). RaShaunda is a Certified CycleBead Consultant who is committed to keeping the childbearing community safe and “educated.” There is no age requirement and no harmful side effects to using this product. So, it is perfect for young girls just starting their period to learn about their own reproductive cycle.


Request a consultation to Find Your SWEET Spot and see if CycleBead Technology is right for you!


Connect to the FUTURE of Holistic Family Planning

We're here to empower the childbearing community with TEKnology and support on your journey in Holistic Family Planning. Feel free to submit your information through the contact form below, and let's start a conversation that can transform your path towards a healthier, happier, and more educated you.